About Sisterfani

Sisterfani was founded in the middle of 2018. At that time, Sisterfani was built using pure PHP and MariaDB. Then, in early 2023, Sisterfani was rebuilt from scratch using the Laravel framework and PostgreSQL database.

Sisterfani is currently hosted on a server located in West Java. It is equipped with 8 GB RAM and 8 vCPU. This server is separate from the school's Moodle server, but is able to communicate and share data.

Using Sisterfani, the school management team can monitor tuition arrears and temporarily block access to Moodle for students who still owe tuition. This does not mean that these students cannot access Moodle forever, they simply need to apply for a waiver. They will then be able to access Moodle as normal.

There are four types of accounts on Sisterfani: Teacher accounts, Student accounts, Parent accounts and Guest accounts. Teacher accounts are divided into several sub-accounts: Regular Teachers, Homeroom Teachers, Department Heads, Principals, and so on.

Another feature of Sisterfani is the timetable, where the Vice Principal for Curriculum can set up the timetable in Microsoft Excel, then the data can be synchronized with Sisterfani so that teachers and students can see changes in almost real time.

Sisterfani does not store passwords in its database. Instead, in order to log in to Sisterfani, users (teachers, students and parents) must log in to their respective Google accounts, then the email used to log in to Google is matched with the data stored in the Sisterfani database. If the user forgets his or her password, please follow the procedure provided by Google to reset the password.

This makes Sisterfani one of the Indonesian websites to implement passwordless authentication. Passwordless authentication is more secure than traditional password-based authentication because it reduces the risk of passwords being stolen or cracked. It also makes it easier for users to log in to Sisterfani.

There are many more features in Sisterfani, such as new student admission and attendance. For a more detailed explanation, please contact Mawan A. Nugroho.

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